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Fund the Future for Fulton's Families

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raised towards $20,000 goal




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Fund the Future for Fulton's Families

We are raising funds to sustain the future of Fulton's families.

Greater Fulton has a robust, but difficult history. We are largely isolated from public services, without a public library, a public school, accessible public transit, a grocery store, and a pharmacy. This means residents are left to figure out their own access to the most basic human needs: food, housing, and employment.

A portion of what we raise will be used to provide grants to Greater Fulton community members, focused on helping our neighbors remain in their homes. These funds can help with paying taxes, utilities, home repairs, and accessibility improvements. As we see housing prices increase, our neighbors are being priced out of their homes. We are seeing long-time residents that own their homes unable to afford the real estate taxes that are being assessed by the City of Richmond. We want to help our neighbors remain in the neighborhood, so that history in Greater Fulton doesn't repeat itself.

You can help us meet those needs and ensure that Greater Fulton families are able to build a sustainable future. Every donation helps, but monthly donations sustain us.