Fay Manolios

Fay Manolios's Fundraiser

Help us deepen impact by providing resources to more families image

Help us deepen impact by providing resources to more families

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$50 towards $1,000

Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us build even brighter futures for our neighbors for Neighborhood Resource Center.

This year we celebrate 20 years of connections to our neighbors in Greater Fulton! 20 years ago this March, our founder Mary Lou Decossaux and a group of visionary neighbors got together and started the Neighborhood Resource Center. We have been through many changes since 2002, but what has stayed the same is our belief that "we are all connected." This motto runs through the hearts and minds of our staff and our Board of Directors.

In 2022, we hope to deepen our relationship with our neighbors as we continue to return our work to some of the basics that were part of our founding. We hope to expand our resource offerings this year, through the help of many amazing partners. We will be focused on adult literacy, expanding technology access, running nutrition and financial education workshops for adults and families, as we run apprenticeship programs for individuals to gain job experience.

The pandemic has deepened the gap in services that are accessible for community residents. NRC Fulton is stepping in to provide services in to more community members each month than we did pre-pandemic. The economic disparities in our country have widened over the last 20 years and that is reflected in Greater Fulton too. Your donation will help us to sustain our neighbors as they continue to build even brighter futures in 2022.

Just a small monthly donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Neighborhood Resource Center.